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This website collects some personal information from its visitors.

Data Controller

name: Giulia Privitera

VAT: 06013610875

Address: Via XXI APRILE 4 ACI CASTELLO (CT) 95021


Type of information processed

Below is the list of information collected by this website, in addition to information automatically collected through third-party services: your contact information, including company name and VAT number, name and surname, tax code, address, email address e-mail, fax, website and date of birth, telephone or mobile number for natural persons and information provided during registration and unique IDs used by advertising services such as, for example, Google Ads).
The information collected may have been that have been provided by the Visitor or acquired through third parties. This information will be used for the purposes described in this Policy. The visitor has the right to rectify, at any time, his personal information or to prevent, withdraw, oppose their processing.

The information that is processed can be entered manually by the Visitor, collected automatically, or acquired through third parties.

The use of cookies (which are not stored permanently on physical devices) is limited to providing a safe and efficient exploration of the site and to identify the visitor, always in order to provide the service requested on this site. In no case the use of cookies has the purpose of transmitting information of a personal nature.
In order for the website to function properly, the site visitor is required to enter all personal and requested information. If some information is not entered, the functioning of the website could be compromised and its performance altered, even up to the impossibility of using some functions for which the insertion of information is necessary.
The site visitor indemnifies the website owner from any responsibility that may be claimed by third parties, for the information and personal information that the visitor may have entered and published within the same website.


Information management methods

The treatment of the information provided is carried out taking into consideration all the measures necessary to prevent the sharing on the network, the cancellation and the involuntary modification of the information indicated.
The way we collect and store information is strictly connected to the way we use our website and related services and is done through IT and telematic tools.

Legal basis

This website may use the stored personal information exclusively for purposes related to the execution of the purposes requested by the visitor when:
- the Owner may need to use them for his own purposes and in his own interest
- the Data Controller must respond to requests in the public interest, including from authorities.
- If the information is functional to the fulfillment of legal obligations or required by community legislation;
- it is necessary to fulfill the contractual agreements for the supply of one or more services, even possibly personalized ones
- The visitor has given his consent to the processing of his information;

In case of doubts about the legal basis of the processing, it is possible to contact the Data Controller and the DPO for clarification.

Place of information processing

The treatments connected to the web services of this website take place at the company headquarters of the Data Controller and are only handled by personnel in charge of the treatment. No information deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated. The information provided by the Visitor who requests dispatch of informative material is used for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested and is communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for that purpose (Article 3 of the GDPR).
The information provided is communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose (Article 3 of the GDPR) and may be transferred to another country.
The site visitor maintains all rights and can request to know the details relating to the tools used by the website owner to secure the information, and can also request details regarding the transfer of their personal information to countries outside from the EU and/or to non-governmental organizations which are not subject to any specific legislation.
The Visitor may request more information on the use of his information and on the transfer of the same by contacting the Data Controller and the DPO directly.

Information retention window

The duration of the retention of the information is linked to the purpose of the treatment in progress. The information will not be processed for longer than is strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which this information was collected and processed.

The information collected by the Data Controller for its purposes will be kept until such purposes are fulfilled.
The information collected to follow up on a contractual commitment will be retained until the conclusion of this commitment

The treatment provided through consent may be kept until the Visitor revokes this consent.
At the end of the indicated purposes, the information will be deleted and all rights of access to the information, cancellation and portability can no longer be exercised.

Purpose of the treatment

Visitor information is processed for the provision of services provided through this website. Some of the features are: ability to comment, store and view statistics, access third-party services embedded within the site or via API, ability to chat with an operator or other users, ability to have direct contact with a operator or with other users, payment management, contact requests, information of various kinds. Hosting and other features aimed at completing the purpose requested by the Visitor.
Advertising, targeting, profiling, content testing, access to information through peripherals, anti-spam, use of third-party platforms for managing requests and assistance, registration and access and information transfer.
For more information on all purposes, the Visitor can directly contact the Data Controller.

Interaction with social networks and external platforms,

Heat mapping and session recording,

For any request on the processing of information on, write to us at This Application does not support “Do Not Track” requests. To find out if any third-party services used support them, consult their privacy policies.


Subsequent updates Privacy Policy

The Data Controller may update this privacy policy contained on this page at any time. Visitors will be able to stay updated on the changes made to this Privacy Policy by consulting this page which bears the same name and which will remain public in order to be easily consulted. At any time and/or following a modification of this Privacy Policy, the visitor may request the destruction and cancellation of any personal information concerning him, and in this case this could lead to the termination of part and/or all features offered to the visitor by this website.

Definitions and legal references

Personal informations

Personal information is information that identifies or makes identifiable, directly or indirectly, a natural person and that can provide information on his characteristics, his habits, his lifestyle, his personal relationships, his state of health, his economic situation, etc.


This refers to all information collected automatically or manually, directly or indirectly through third-party services.


The website visitor who uses the services making use of their personal information.


The subject to whom the personal information entered and/or published on the website refers.

Responsible for the treatment

The data processor ("data processor") in the GDPR is defined in art. 4, par. 1, no. 8) as "the natural person, legal entity, PA or body that processes personal information on behalf of the data controller".

Data Controller (Site owner)

The Data Controller (data controller) is "the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data" (art. 4. paragraph 1, no. 7 GDPR). In essence, the owner is the one who processes the information without receiving instructions from others, the one who decides "why" and "how" the information should be processed.


It is a set of related web pages, i.e. a hypertext structure of documents that can collect personal information about their visitors.


A particular type of information (which can be useful in identifying the visitor) and is used by server-side web applications to store and retrieve long-term information on the client side.

Legal references

This privacy policy has been drawn up on the basis of the legal systems in force and on the European Union Regulation 2016/679 and refers to this website.


The website may request identification via Facebook in order to interact with it through the Visitor's Facebook account.
For more information, you can directly consult the Facebook permission documentation and the Facebook Privacy page.


Visitor ID, visitor name, profile picture, visitor gender, language, list of friends and/or followers of the visitor, and in general all the information that the visitor may have entered in their profile.

Additional details

The information collected is used by the following services:

Access to third party services

Third-party services may request the sharing of information in your accounts in order to interact with them.
In any case, prior authorization will always be required to be provided before the activation of third-party services.




This website accesses directly or via API the information that the visitor may have entered within the services owned by Facebook, Inc.
Requested information: user ID, username, profile picture, user gender, user language, list of friends and/or followers of the user, and in general all the information that the user may have entered in his profile and which may be contained within the privacy policy of Facebook, Inc. services.
Place of processing: United States of America –Privacy policy.



Visitors can leave some comments on the website using specific comment services.
Visitors will be able to leave comments on the website even anonymously. Visitors are responsible for the content published through their comments.
Third-party commenting services may request the collection of information, also for statistical purposes.

Facebook Comments

This website allows visitors to post facebook comments relating to a web page, a url, a facebook page or any content present in the services of Facebook, Inc.
Requested information: visitor ID, visitor name, profile picture, gender, language, list of friends and/or followers of the visitor, and in general all the information that the visitor may have entered in his profile and which may be contained in the 'inside the privacy policy of Facebook, Inc.
Place of processing: United States of America – Privacy Policy.


Contact the visitor


The services related to hosting collect information necessary for the correct functioning of the website and its functions in order to provide the services requested by the visitor.
The hosting services use servers located in different places, therefore it is not possible to establish exactly where the information is stored.

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage is a cloud hosting platform managed by Google Ireland ltd.
Requested Information: The information collected is specified in Google's privacy policy.
Place of processing: Ireland –Privacy Policy.


Newsletters/Mailing lists

The site visitor, by entering his e-mail address when purchasing a product, registering on the site, or subscribing to the site's newsletter/mailing list, authorizes the site owner to be able to send him information and/or advertising messages.
Requested information: the e-mail address of the visitor who registers on the site or the newsletter.

Telephone number

By leaving their telephone number, visitors could be contacted for various purposes expressed when entering the numerical data.
Telephone number

Contact form

The information indicated by the visitor when completing the form and the information entered in the body of the message are used exclusively to respond to the visitor's request.
General information such as name and surname, physical and email address and other types of information in order to have more information on the request forwarded.

I send messages

Third-party services that manage databases of contact information, used for the purpose of communicating with the visitor.
These services may collect information about contact information related to postings, opens and other types of interactions.


Mailgun, Inc. is a third-party service that allows the management of mailing lists, mailings and mailing statistics for newsletters and automations.
Required information: Name, surname, email and other information required for the personalization of the communication.
Place of processing: United States of America – Privacy Policy.


Social Networks

This feature allows Visitors to interact with the main social networks within the website through the Visitor's social profiles.
The information collected: User ID, username, profile picture, user gender, user language, list of friends and/or followers of the user, and in general all the information that the user may have entered in his profile.
These services can collect information on contact information relating to the use of your profile on the social network that owns the application in use hosted on this site.

Facebook "Like" button

The "Like" button is provided by Facebook, Inc, and allows you to like the Facebook page relating to this website
Information requested: Cookies and information used.
Place of processing: United States of America –Privacy Policy.



The statistical services allow the owner to monitor the progress of the website and the behavior of visitors.

Flazio Stats

Flazio provides a statistics service which analyzes and displays the personal information of visitors who visit websites.
Requested information: Cookies and usage information.
Place of processing: Ireland –Privacy Policy Opt Out.


Migration of information outside the European Union

The owner could move the collected information outside the EU only by respecting a certain legal basis.
For more information on the legal bases that may determine the transfer of information, you can contact the data controller directly.

Content and graphics

These services allow you to show some graphic elements or third-party content directly on the website.
The information collected is specified in the privacy policy of the third-party service owner of the application in use hosted on this site.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts is a text font managed by Google Ireland Limited.
Requested information: they are specified in the privacy policy of the Social Network owner of the application in use hosted on this site.
Place of processing: United States of America – Privacy Policy.

Geolocation and location
Geolocation not continuous

The website and some third-party tracking services may share visitor positioning information for the purpose of providing personalized services.
The website can access information relating to positioning if the visitor has not denied the tracking of his position through the browser or his devices.

Requested information: geographic location.

Instagram component

Instagram allows the display of image and video posts contained on Instagram, Inc.
Requested information: Cookies and usage information.
Place of processing: United States of America –Privacy Policy.


Anti spam

These third-party services are intended to protect the website from spam activity.

Google reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA is a SPAM protection service provided by Google Ireland Limited.
The reCAPTCHA system is subject to the Google privacy policy and terms of use.
Requested information: Cookies and usage information.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.


Registration and access

The services that allow registration and authentication allow the visitor to have his own profile on the website.

Google Maps component

Google Maps is a service that provides maps managed by Google Ireland Limited.
Requested information: Cookies and usage information.
Place of processing: Ireland –Privacy Policy


Visitor Profiling

The information provided by the visitor could be used by the data controller to create a visitor profile, to monitor the visitor's preferences and behaviour.

These operations can be used thanks to automatic tools that monitor the visitor's activities in order to trace a visitor profile.
In order to refuse profiling, the visitor can directly contact the Data Controller to assert his rights.

Online selling

The information provided by the visitor is used to customize the purchase procedure, payment by electronic means and shipments.

Visitor Rights

Visitors have certain rights they can exercise regarding the use of their information.
The rights of the visitor are:
- Request a complaint about the use of the information.
- Request the transfer of your information;
- Request limited use of information processing;
- Withdraw consent;
- Request a change to the information indicated.
- Refuse the treatment of the information;
- Request deletion of information;
- Request access to your information;

Right to object

Visitors can oppose the treatment in reference to the use of information for public interest or in the exercise of public powers of the owner.
Visitors can also object to the processing of information for marketing purposes.

Exercise visitor rights

In order to assert their rights, the visitor can directly contact the Data Controller of the information managed on this website.

Sales information
E-commerce business

In order to be able to complete the sale, the purchase process and the shipping and delivery process, the owner of the Website may make use of the visitor's personal information.
In order to complete the purchase, site visitors will have to proceed with the payment, which can be managed by third-party payment gateways. Some of the information necessary for payment could be by way of non-exhaustive example: credit cards, account number, expiry date, CVC, and others.



Learn more about treatment

Use of information in court

The Data Controller, if sued, will be entitled by the visitor to use the visitor's information, and information on the use he has made of the services.
Should the Data Controller receive a request from public institutions or public authorities (Police, Carabinieri), he will be entitled to forward all the information requested by them.

Log files

In order to improve the services offered, perform troubleshooting and analyze the use that is made of the same services, this website may perform sequential and chronological recording of the operations performed by a visitor, an administrator either manually or automated, as they are performed. These recordings can be memorized and possibly accessed during the information analysis phase, also known as the event log.

Site visitor rights (Visitors)

Visitors have the right to delete, transfer, suspend and correct their personal information, and visitors have the right to have an understandable and intelligible copy of their personal information. The site owner must have adequate tools to carry out these requests. All requests must be sent to the Data Controller and/or the DPO.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Latest revision information: 02/24/2023




+39 345 042 6846


+39 345 042 6846